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Monday, 8 July 2013


Reserve Bank of India will conduct Online Examination for the recruitment to fill the 525 posts of Assistant in various state offices of RBI. The online test will be held tentatively on 20 July 2013, 21 July 2013, 27 July 2013, and 28 July 2013 to check the candidates’ knowledge of Reasoning, Numerical ability, English, Computers, and General Awareness.  This online written examination will be for 200 marks of Objective Type Questions.
Objective Tests (200 marks): The 2 hour Online Test will be consisting of 200 objective type questions divided into five distinctive sections. Each question will carry 1 mark and for each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Sr. No.
Name of Tests (Objective)
No of Questions
Maximum Marks
Total Time
Test of Reasoning
2 Hours
Test of English Language
Test of Numerical Ability
Test of General Awareness
Test of Computer Knowledge


Note : The number in the brackets against each subtopic denotes the number of questions asked in the last year exam. na means not asked last year. In the computer sections questions are general and so no subtopic division done.

1.    Test of Reasoning : Topics that are covered in this section are:
·         Direction sense problems(2)
·          Blood Relations(na)
·         Sitting arrangements(12)
·         Coding and decoding(9)
·         Alphanumeric sequence(na)
·         Alphabetic arrangements(4)
·         Ranking(na)
·         Statement and conclusion(12)
·         Odd man out(1)
 Like for most exams, reasoning is the tricky part for this exam also. Tricky  because it asks you to apply techniques involving both English and mathematical ability.
            They are broadly divided into
They can be asked in different sitting arrangements, circular ,rectangular or sitting  parallel to each other and facing different directions .They generally come in a set of 3-5 questions. They have to be answered using charts or diagrams. Difficult problems include making intelligent deductions from the given data.
All the questions must be answered once like a set.
They are generally asked in single question format but sometimes they can be clubbed with statement and conclusions.
They can be easily solved when put on the paper in a tree diagram.They sometimes require preparing charts.
Questions can be in - alphabetical series , numerical series, alphanumerical series.
Here a lot of trial and error is involved and sometimes might consume a lot of time. The analogy can be seen only when put to paper.
Topics covered here are
Dictionary based arrangements
Mathematical operations (the mathematical symbols are interchanged)
They generally come in sets of 2-3 questions.
These are comparatively simple problems  of reasoning part. Simply following the instructions will land us with the solution.
Data sufficiency:
1.Two statements are given  and you should be able decide whether you will be able to answer the questions using either of  them or both of them or none
They can be answered verbally and do not need a pen to solve them.
2.The problems can be solved using set theory.
They can be of numerical format or alphabetical format.
Finding out the odd object from the given set.

2.    Test of English Language: Topics covered under this section are:
·         Basic usage of grammar(15)
·         Vocabulary(na)
·         Synonymous and antonyms
·         Comprehension passages(10)
·         Rearranging of phrases(5)
·         Error detection(10)

In verbal ability the questions are broadly divided into
1.Filling the blanks
Filling in the blanks using appropriate words from the given choices.
Here the basic usage of grammar is put to test.
2.Reading comprehension:
A passage is given and at the end of the passage a set of 4-5 questions are asked.
the questions asked are generally direct questions from the paragraph and
Synonymous and antonyms of the words from the passage.
      3. Error detection in the phrases of the sentence.
They are generally asked in sets of 3-4 questions.
4. Arranging different shuffled sentences given to form a meaningful paragraph.
4.    Test of Numerical Ability: Topics covered under this section are:
·         Simplification(12)
·         Probability(na)
·         Approximation(1)
·         Series(8)
·         Table analysis(na)
·         Percentages(4)
·         Equations(3)
·         Averages (2)
·         Ratio and proportions(na)
·         Simple and compound interest(1)
·         Data interpretation(na)
·         Bar graphs(na)
·         Pie charts(na)
·         Distance speed time problems(1)
·         Time and work problems(2)
·         Squares and cubes(2)
·         Mensuration(1)
·         Profit and loss(3)
Simplification problems.
The initial 10-15 question asked test the calculation speed and simplification                                                                            ability
Problems involving percentages ratio proportion and averages.
STD problems speed distance, time and work, boats and streams etc. (trains and platforms, pipes and cisterns)
Mensuration problems
they can be solved using formulas
Profit and loss
Discounts, market price, cost price etc. can be easily solved using formulas
Simple interest and compound interest.
Square  roots and cube roots of numbers
Linear equations
They are given in the form of problems on age and average
Number series
The problems include arithmetic progressions geometric progressions
Note: though trigonometry, geometry, statistics are part of the math in prescribed N.C.E.R.T syllabus questions from these are seldom asked.
Problems on volumes are also not covered but it is always good to prepare for them as    they can be solved with simple formulas.

5.    Test of General Awareness 
·         National and international affairs(7)
·         Latest in banking(7)
·         Current finance and economical events(9)
·         Government schemes(this information is available on
·         Space programs( this information is available on
·         Defence(2)
·         Authors and books(2)
·         Awards(4)
·         Recent sports events(5)

6.    Test of computer Knowledge (40) topics covered in this section are
·         Computer terminology
·         Keyboard shortcuts
·         Internet
·         Computer hardware
·         Computer networking
·         Operating system
·         database
As per the notification, RBI assistant exam will be held online.
1.    In a computer based exam, for  every question there is button for “mark/review” where a candidate can answer the question only if he is  sure and always come back later if there is any doubt.
2.    There is no need of prior computer knowledge to appear for online exam. Just follow the instructions to complete the test.
3.    There are online practice tests available from few websites and one of the best available is from “”

1.  Start solving the questions one by one.
2.  If the question is taking a lot of time but can be solved we can mark the question and      come back at the end when all the easy ones are solved.
3. There is no point marking a question in general awareness section because if we don’t know the answer in the first reading we probably will not be able to answer it later also.
 4. Solve all the sets, sitting arrangement and reading comprehension questions in one go because if we mark them and come back later to solve we would have forgotten what was read before and in turn will be wasting precious time.    
Note:  1. In order to qualify the Online Exam, a candidate has to secure a minimum standardized score in each section of the Objective test. 2. Questions asked in Economics section are of level 11th and 12th standard NCERT. 3. Questions in maths section are of level 10th standard NCERT.

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