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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Tips for Descriptive writing in bank exams

Descriptive writing is essential for any candidate who is appearing  for any officer post exam. Some organizations will evaluate the descriptive paper  first and if the candidate clears this paper they will check the objective  paper like the IOB bank. Many organizations though evaluate   the objective paper first and if the candidate clears it, they will evaluate the descriptive paper .The marks are added to the total before ranking like IBPS  PO /management trainee,NIIC abminstrative officer.
The topics may vary for different exams but they test of  general awareness and economic awareness of the candidate appearing.
Any composition has topic, purpose and a view point of the author and that of the reader also when we are writing an essay we are
Writing a exposition.
Our writing skills develop from our experiences, reading and imagination. By keeping the reader in mind we decide the appropriate presentation and style of writing.
During the course of writing you
Define the topic
Ask questions
Finding answers to those questions
Generate the ideas
When the ideas are generated we should be able to arrange them in a sequence. They are broadly divided again into main ideas and Supporting ideas
We then divide each main idea into a paragraph followed by a supporting idea paragraph. This way we will have control over the number of paragraphs.
Each paragraph should have one point. By doing this the sentences will come out clearly and are well connected. We can avoid confusion.
Each paragraph will have a beginning middle and an end. Generally a paragraph should start with the para topic. Supporting sentences can follow.
Introduction and conclusion are the most important parameters that will decide our impact on the readers. Introductions have to be catchy. They should be so innovative that they can get the reader hooked.
With the introduction we introduce the reader to the topic and set the tone. If the intro is good we can control the imagination of the reader.
The conclusion is equally important. we summarize the essay and highlight the main points. the conclusion has to be interesting, As most of the time examiners will only go through the introduction and conclusion to evaluate the essay. it could be concluded with a lesson on the  issues discussed in the essay
 A prĂ©cis is a shortening, in your own words, of a text of written work. You are to describe as accurately and briefly as possible the substance or main ideas contained in a text. It should have a heading main theme and the conclusions of the paragraph.
 For bank exams the topics are generally relating to the current affairs or important events happening in the society .For eg:

1.    Women Entrepreneurs in India

2. Importance of Investment
3. Essay on SME
4. Banks play a vital role in day to day life
5. Entrance Exam – An evil

6. Pros n cons of winning lottery
7. Women bill
8. Women security at the workplace a deep concern
9. Inclusive growth

A few Topics asked in IBPS  previous year PO papers are

 The best way to inspire and involve the Indian youth in making India an upcoming economic power is for all political parties to engage themselves in politics of development. In your well-considered opinion what measures should be adopted to achieve the goal.
Some thinking people advocate State-funding of elections as one of the most effective measures to rid our electoral system of the scourge of money and muscle power. On the basis of your experience and knowledge, express your views on the proposition under deliberation.
Suggest three effective measures to reform criminal judicial system in India. Based on experience, knowledge and ground realities, state how the steps suggested by you would prove effective indeed.
Water is the elixir of life. With sources of water drying and depleting every passing day, it is time that we in India devised and developed some ways to conserve water, both for the present and future generations. You are invited to suggest some steps that can help save and conserve water.
In the highly compact and complex world of today, sharing knowledge globally is the urgent need of the hour. Comment
Suggest three effective measures to prevent custodial deaths in India. State how the steps suggested by you would bring about a qualitative change in the situation
In order to ensure that benefits of economic development reach one and all in India, labour-intensive industrialisation is the urgent need of the hour. Express your views on the subject
Having maintained steady economic growth over the years, it is time to make India a knowledge society/hub. Comment
Moral policing is bizarre and banal, besides being a criminal act. Comment.
Suggest some effective measures to deal with the growing menace of violence in Indian society
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has advocated the removal of unnecessary controls on higher education in India to produce better quality human resource. Comment.
The Judiciary appears somewhat divided on adopting „Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. Comment
Suggest three effective measures to check the menace of farmers and farm labourers in debt committing suicide
Economic growth and social development are co-related. Comment
In what practical ways can the income of Indian farmers be augmented?
The medium is the message. (McLuhan). Express your views on the role of the medium like television that becomes a strong for those who run the affairs of the State.

A casualty of the expanding market economy has been the devaluation of the academic profession. Comment.
In what ways is Privatization affecting human sustainability? Express your views
The question whether the sale of human organs like kidney be legalised to tide over the mis-match between demand and supply stares us in the face. Express your views on the subject
With changing lifestyles of urban/semi-urban families it is time that organised retail be given a boost. Comment
In view of the credit/cash crunch what practical steps should be taken to see that infrastructure projects come through the global financial crisis?
In a multi-religious/linguistic milieu like India, media must perform its role keeping in mind its social obligations. Comment “Indian society is full of various contradictions.” Give arguments For and against
“Recession in India is nothing but a psychological phenomenon.” Give arguments For and against this view.
“With the economy poised for high growth rate in the coming years, it is time that the country introduced several measures for social development/change as well.”
“Increase in credit/deposit (CD) ratio can turn around the economy and help it come out of the recessionary phase.” Give arguments For and against this view.
“Even though the income levels in the country have doubled during the last seven years, there is a need to pay attention to the unorganized sector”. Give arguments For and against this view
“Recent corporate scams have highlighted the necessity for enacting or amending suitable laws to protect the interests of investors and share- holders.” Give arguments For and against this view
“The responsibility of priority sector financing, which is with the public sector banks, should also be assigned to the private sector banks.” Give arguments For and against this view.
“Unless the prime lending rates are cut down by the banks, it would be difficult to achieve the revival of the Indian economy.” Give arguments For and against this
“The current measure of price rise in the country is faulty and misleading, requiring complete overhaul.” Give arguments For and Against this view


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